Monday 13 April 2015

Making Changes

A problem can't be resolved with the same thinking that it was created with.’
Albert Einstein   
Last Saturday we went to shopping at the local shopping centre. It’s an interesting pastime, shopping trolleys that go the opposite way to where you want them to go and car parks where you can lose your car. Even arts and crafts groups sitting behind their trestles looking really interested and intelligent.

Hoping you’ll take pity on them and buy something. Still some of their wares are  fascinating. Like a wall plaque for the home that says if I’d known how good grand kids are I would have had them first.

Every now and then the past makes it’s presence felt and its always when we have set a goal to achieve something new.  Plan a day in the office and the phone will ring incessantly. Plan a meeting in Perth or West Perth and see how many calls come in requiring things that “need” doing today.

I guess it’s a case of getting what we ask for. There are the clients who want everything done yesterday, but can’t find the documents that are needed. It’s amazing 80% of the effort goes into those clients who produce only 20% of the income. Then there’s a panic because the Brisbane office wants some documents for a government department yesterday to make sure we’re meeting the guidelines. Then we wait about for weeks until we know if what we are doing is still legal.

A Dr friend from Fremantle often used to say if it wasn’t for the Government departments the rate of unemployment would be double. He should know he was a state politician at one time.

Then we have the “plebs” who say “you can’t do that” (more like they don’t want to say “I can’t do that”). Just for fun sometimes I ask them “Do you mean you are incapable or you are not allowed to”. For some strange reason they get very confused. More often than not the answer is “whadayamean”?

Still I suppose we shouldn’t be so hard on those who haven’t had the benefit of working for themselves and having to fix it if broke and work it out for yourself how it happened. (Bit like raising kids you get all the answers after they leave home).

That was a week ago and the process of getting  some semblance of order in my life is under way.

The love of a partner who has stuck with me in the quest for answers has been of immeasurable help. The understanding of people in the know who have told stories either of their own experiences or of people they knew is extremely supportive.

The support and counsel of a couple of highly successful business colleagues who assisted not only in the reconstruction of business ventures and  made such a difference in a week, which at some level I knew was possible but couldn’t function or focus long enough to achieve. That for the first time there is realistic hope for that success.

It is interesting some will still look at the person who grappling with a difficult situation and see their anger and frustration, but not the pain and fear that may be experienced internally. I’ve been blessed to have known the love and support of some wonderful people while growing up and now to have the love and respect of some significant people. Significant for their compassion, encouragement and support. Significant because of their quiet and self effacing approach to life.

People like a mother who provided wisdom, understanding and ongoing encouragement. An inherited Dad who by example taught me that no matter how long the job  may take to do, do it thoroughly and it will only need to be done once. From  a grandmother from whom I learned to laugh at simple things and no matter how bad you felt to ignore it and get on with it. From my friend and business colleague Paul that being prepared to listen and learn then believe (the internal kind) in myself that long pursued success will follow. From Dr. Brett, a Barrister, that humility and honour for all people will earn  more respect than flaunting how good you are. From my son Matt I learned that no matter how difficult life may seem one can gain respect and actually have the things in life that are important to us.

These are but a few of the significant people. The interesting thing is with each of these the lessons were learned not from anything they said, rather from their example. To have someone who believes in you, no matter what, makes achieving high goals possible. This is more likely to happen when growing up in a small community as the we don’t get lost in the isolated busyness of suburbia.

Finally to a partner who in my worst moments I unjustly criticised, condemned and complained about, yet who had the courage and compassion to go one more round with an angry and frustrated man and help him see things differently. Sometimes wisdom is ignored or overlooked because it may be spoken very quietly.

That is true support. 

Making Changes

‘A problem cannot be resolved with the same thinking that it was created with.’

Albert Einstein