Saturday 19 March 2011

Motivation And Focus

Procrastination and addiction have a lot in common. In the beginning of our lives we are encouraged by people who, to us, are promoting that what we're starting to do is somehow fun and that they get enjoyment out of it too.

As we then go on through life we seek out experiences that make us feel good. Using many different means to arrive at that feel good state. Couple that with ambition in the desire to achieve and so get that good feeling again and it's possible to focus almost our entire attention on that objective.

When our background has left scars on our psyche, or deep emotional scars sometime the intense focus is a means to prove our self worth to ourselves and others.

What I've come to understand from those who have established a very clear picture of who they are and then worked over time to hold that belief is there is no need to prove you are good or worthy. 

The pursuit of acknowledgement or recognition for self esteem is to diminish others. Real success comes through a very fine balancing act between that which is important to that which brings meaning to our lives.

A case in point was to ask a father how he managed to love each of his children, and have him respond that they are all loved for their uniqueness and equally. 

It took a while to grasp that.

One of the hardest juggling acts is often between ambition and family. Or more to the point providing for their immediate needs and I don't have to spell out how diverse a childs needs are.

We may feel good for the time we spend with them and feel good with our ambition, the secret is to feel good about ourselves (men I'm talking to you here) when we provide for them.

That is something that isn't edified in mainstream 21st century culture. More often than not he is portrayed as bumbling buffoon. e.g. The Simpsons.

So MEN,  it is up to us to claim our rights as the hunter who brings that which provides for the families needs, and do it out of a sense that I'm going to feel good each time I do. Because that is what it means to me to be a MAN!

Happy hunting warrior

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