Friday 10 June 2011

Learn To Enjoy Life.

Writers sometimes experience a thing called 'writers block.' This is that time when you're stuck at a certain point and can't seem to move forward, not even a single step.

Many of us experience something similar at various stages of our lives. Fellow author John White (author of No Bars Hold) is also a counsellor and therapist. His view on things that stop us is generally a lack of skills. Once we have those skills we can overcome most things.

Kathleen O'Dwyer, former teacher and author of 'Stressed, One Woman's Story' says that in her teaching career the first objective would be to instil in students a passion for learning. Then teach them how to access the information.

Occasionally sitting in on classes that she was ran was insightful, often with there being many lessons within lessons.

All the time teaching skills that enhanced the students (5 to 12 year olds) aptitude and attitude. Learning is not a right nor is it  something to be  taken for granted either.

There’s a lot of dialogue over the benefits of schooling in the various systems which are generally either run by government or vested interests, including religious orders.

Both have their place as one size doesn't fit all. One student, having made the transition from a very regimented school to a more pastoral one, blossomed at age sixteen to go on to become highly successful in his own business.

Another apparent benefit of the pastoral system became apparent when he became a parent, dispensing discipline and affection appropriately and in the right measure.

One of the greatest skills we can learn is self improvement. To become the best that we can be.

My passion for learning came later in life and thankfully it was as a result of a dream and vision to lead a better life.

By products of a well rounded formal education, continuing to learn about ourselves, how we operate and interact leads to a much greater self assuredness in both the workplace and in society in general.

Knowledge is not hard to carry. From a pool of knowledge and experience we gain wisdom and eventually become intuitive.  The great benefit of this is that it frees up time and thinking space. This in turn can lead to greater inspiration and creativity and ultimately a higher, more satisfying quality of life.

As little as twenty minutes a day means a book a month providing the ability to learn from others knowledge, experience and wisdom.

This is where real lifestyle begins.

Lifestyle, while it means different things to different people has certain elements that mean a richer quality of life. There's a familiar story of families falling apart through neglect brought about by an overemphasis on vocational activities.

Human needs are both broad and diverse and learning what makes us, our partners and families tick really well is largely about balance. Love is spelled 'q-u-l-i-t-y  t-i-m-e'. Same goes for fun.

Quality time from the very young to the very old enriches the lives of all concerned. The added benefit is the two way passage of love and affection. It is the setting aside of the contents of our mind and engaging in some good old fashioned, down to earth humanity.

In working from home I;ve noticed that my day doesn’t really begin until there is interaction with others, preferably face to face. It literally is switching on the mind and all the parts of ourselves that are used in engaging in conversation with others.

It’s hard to stay within the contents of our heads as this engaging also invloves emotion. Good, bad or indifferent.

All of this is a part of the balance of life.

It has been said that we are spiritual beings indulging in a physical experience. To which should be added an emotional experience. After there’s not a great deal of intellect involved in pro creation. The largest part of that process are the emotions.

So to with the learning process. Where emotion is involved the understanding and retention of knowledge is far greater.  Fundamentally where rhyme and reason meet in the learning process knowledge is gained and integrated much quicker.

So, bottom line; learning should be fun, it should have a purpose and involve others, it should form a part of a balanced life and all of this in turn lead to a rich and fulfilling life.

After all the mind is like a parachute, it works best when it's open.

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