Friday 5 October 2012


It would seem that humanity prevails, in watching the talent shows a noticeable change is happening between the judges and the contestants.  The judges are allowing their feelings and to be apparent to both the television audience and the contestants. 

In the early days of these type of shows what could only be described as blatant bravado and bullying by the judging panel was not unusual, now we are seeing a new face. One of care, compassion and genuine encouragement.

It's gratifying when a judge can leave her seat and console a distraught contestant who has just overcome so much and given a stunning performance.

More than that is the edification and open acknowledgement of both the brilliance of the performance and the humanity of the performer. Even Simon Cowell has in the last three years become a very different person.

The examples now being set by the likes of X-factor and 'Whoever's Got Talent' is inspiring.

Perhaps this is the evolution of a world that had been jaded by materialism and is at last becoming a mature civilisation.

We still have a long way to go, while there is still famine and severe privation among so many, perhaps these small steps in the 'decadent' western world will see more being done to make all of us equal, while respecting and acknowledging our unique gifts and talents.

Saturday 16 June 2012


There's a great little book called You Squared that focusses on achieving amazing change in a very short space of time. This point is brought home with the amazing duo of  Charlotte Jaconelli and Jonathan Antoine in Britains' Got Talent. 

From their raw audition performance to the stunning final is nothing short of breathtaking. In seven short weeks to see the growth in confidence, stature and strength of friendship impressed even hardened judges on the show. Then to have their critics silenced by not only their performance but integrity and loyalty demonstrates a refreshing strength of character that is largely missing in the world today.

Watch the video of the final and see the intuitive glance between them at a high point of the performance. Then see the smile of two people demonstrating complete trust in one another and celebrating doing something together they both enjoy doing together.

Watching their performance a few times never ceases to be an inspiration as to what can be achieved with will, passion and support and while your dreams and aspirations may not run to singing opera on national television, they can none the less come to fruition in a very short time.

Never lose sight of your dream and never stop going for the goal. you'll be amazed at how suddenly 'overnight success' may come.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

New Beginnings

It's the journey and not the destination that counts, it's the quality of life more than anything else that enhances our ability to ultimately achieve. It's not what happens to you, but you do with what happens to you that counts. It's learning from what happens and using the lesson to get to finally achieve the ultimate outcome.

Here's a simple example.

I was already running late, the trains were out and the traffic horrendous. Caught up in heavy traffic though I caught sight of  a few Autumn leaves dancing down the nature strip. At the next intersection the sunlight was filtering through native conifers. This was followed by lunch at a friends cafe with good company, later I sat and watched the noonday sunlight dancing on the Indian Ocean then reminisced on life with another friend. An inspiring and peaceful day in paradise. 

Are you living in the moment?