Friday 5 October 2012


It would seem that humanity prevails, in watching the talent shows a noticeable change is happening between the judges and the contestants.  The judges are allowing their feelings and to be apparent to both the television audience and the contestants. 

In the early days of these type of shows what could only be described as blatant bravado and bullying by the judging panel was not unusual, now we are seeing a new face. One of care, compassion and genuine encouragement.

It's gratifying when a judge can leave her seat and console a distraught contestant who has just overcome so much and given a stunning performance.

More than that is the edification and open acknowledgement of both the brilliance of the performance and the humanity of the performer. Even Simon Cowell has in the last three years become a very different person.

The examples now being set by the likes of X-factor and 'Whoever's Got Talent' is inspiring.

Perhaps this is the evolution of a world that had been jaded by materialism and is at last becoming a mature civilisation.

We still have a long way to go, while there is still famine and severe privation among so many, perhaps these small steps in the 'decadent' western world will see more being done to make all of us equal, while respecting and acknowledging our unique gifts and talents.

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