Wednesday 31 December 2014

Mentors and Success.

 Mentors and Success.

Came across this great caption on LinkedIn today and had to have a chuckle. It’s a reflection of the perspective of the newbies on the block. “

Entrepreneurs Suck at Relationships

I will be forever grateful to three key mentors who helped me see that there are particular and specific ways of dealing with life on all levels. My first mentor introduced me to personal development books and the power of learning from others experience. The introduction was to a personal and professional development system.

I’ll never forget that afternoon sitting in his gazebo as he shared some life changing insights. A couple of phrases were so pertinent that they are written out and placed in prominent places for regular reflection.

The first made perfect sense at the outset.

“Where you will be five years from now will be determined by the people you associate with and the books you read.”

The second took a while to digest, but has become a mantra.

“in becoming a part of this system of learning and mentorship you will become the best at whatever field of endeavour your choose to engage in. “

Those prophetic words have changed my life in ways profound and amazing ways. They have led to lifetime friendships and respect, opened trains of thought that have impacted on relationships both personal and professional.  To say it has enriched my life would be a massive understatement.

It led to the phrase that ‘the price paid for personal growth is that there is no going back.’

The second mentor arrived quite a bit later and is a consummate marketer. The concepts he develops are imaginative and lead to a rapid, exponential growth of business ventures.

He shared these concepts while ago and they now form an integral part of my business plans for 2015. Not only is he a mentor he and his wife have become very close personal friends.

The third mentor I met late in my radio career and by his presence, encouragement and example indirectly led to the development of the Economic Vision™ platform.

There is a mutual respect for the endeavours we’ve each chosen to undertake and for the challenges we’ve been dealt and learned to overcome. It’s a great lesson to understand that challenges generally are like question marks. They are something that will benefit us when we find the answer.

This third mentor is someone who fits the title of gentleman perfectly. Giving, caring, compassionate and always seeking to find better ways of being, doing and understanding.

There’s a fourth mentor who many would overlook. This mentor is one who is a giver, an encourager and an enlightener. Some would use the word teacher and would in part be right. It is the qualification and not that application of it.

Enlightener is more fitting because no detail is spared, no creative process discounted out of hand and brings to the table not only the qualities of the previous three mentors, but adds dimensions that they could not.

She brings to the table those qualities that only a woman and mother could. In gently sharing the things that are precious to her she showed me the amazing beauty of a woman’s heart. Enabling me to have an amazing quality of relationship with three important women. The first my elderly mother in her final years and just as importantly to understand and meet my grand daughters at a heart level. To genuinely understand them.

Those two young women have become mentors in their own right.

As an entrepreneur and as a man it’s important to never lose sight of the fact that a little over half of the worlds population are girls and women. Any man who is ‘man enough’ to learn about them will have a life that is so enriched it will be astounding. A couple of question are often asked when this discussion comes up and I always manage to answer them with a smile.

“Have you become less of a man since becoming aware of this.”

Simple answer, “No!”

Many of my friends have daughters and are probably the most compassionate and well rounded people you could want to meet. Has the fact that they have daughters disempowered them? If anything they’ve been more empowered as raising a daughter means tempering their masculine competitive natures with a gentler yet more assertive approach.

“Do you now prefer the company of women to men?”

This is a bit of a leading question which generally comes from those who are not in the know. Not being ‘in the know’ generally means that there is that phenomena of fear of the unknown.  As a counsellor friend says information or knowledge resolves many problems.

Apart from the mentors mentioned above we can learn something from anyone. As with the line from Desiderata says, “even the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.”

What we learn from each mentor will be determined by our level of aspiration and our desire to reach new and exciting levels of life. Preferably with the benefit of learning from others experiences.

New mentors should be on the goals list for 2015.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Who I Am Really

            We all go through different experiences in life and that changes how we see and relate to things. Every experience changes the way our life now seems and how in the future we will perceive our surroundings and others.

            Which is where most conflict arises from. Differing perspectives, different points of view. Passing an opinion on someone’s life or actions is to start treading on very shaky ground. Because in most cases we don’t know what the experiences they’ve had that make them think or act in a particular way and how it affects them currently.

            That’s the source of relationship break ups, divorce, commercial confrontation, bullying and wars. Since life and our desires claim most of our attention we tend to want to retain things that are familiar. Things that bring us comfort. That’s human nature. However, and it is a big ‘HOWEVER’ no two peoples experiences and perspectives are the same.

            The greatest joy in life can be to learn to see through others eyes and experiences. It can literally be life changing. A few simple and sincere questions can lead to learning what things are like for the other person. It can also lead to the beginning of many lifetime friendships and strong partnerships.

            It’s easy to pick out these consummate communicators as the conversation will not be a about them. Sometimes it’s interesting to ask a question and sit back and listen to the other person tell you their life story. Even if you’ve just met them. It’s also liberating because most of us like to talk about ourselves. So when someone extends the invitation it makes for a very easy time.


            One of the greatest failings in life is to assume. How many times has someone surprised you with some thoughtful act that seemed totally out of character for them. One the great things in communicating is getting to know them. Having them surprise you in some small or large way. Sadly because we’ve become the busyness generation there is little time spent thinking about and understanding even those we interact with on a regular basis.

            Judging people is a cop out. It means that we’ve measured them by our own bigoted ego. Human behaviour can be determined by whatever they may be dealing with at the moment. Simple examples that come to mind is judging someone and then being confronted with the knowledge that they are dealing with issues which may include health, finances or concern for their loved ones.

            Prior to discharge patients are often given materials as to what to expect on leaving hospital. One of the most pertinent is the suggestion that the emotional ramifications can alter the person in ways that can be confusing or even confronting. Post traumatic stress disorder isn't just about those who've been in active military conflict. Many things such as having our lives endangered through accident or illness can be enough to destroy a relationship.

            Being confronted, for example, with a heart condition, cancer , or even trauma suffered by a partner alters who we are. Those who haven’t been a part of that journey are not privy to the emotions that those in the close relationship at the time have experienced. They have not experienced the stress, the disruption, the fear, anguish and insecurity that has gone with it.

            Sometimes it becomes too much and adds pressure to the relationship. Then sides are taken. The blame game starts. Adding further to the pressure the relationship is under. No matter how well intentioned the actions the fact of the matter remains that their knowledge of what’s important to the afflicted right then is an unknown.

            In financial planning as a part of our due diligence we performed a ‘financial needs analysis.’ It was an important part of ‘getting to know the client and their wants and needs in the future.’

            Another important part of the process was to review how things were going on an annual basis or more often if required. Once again things change. Homes are bought, families are started, additional education is undertaken. All of which changes the individuals and the dynamics of the relationship as well as their wants and needs.

            Why then is it that we never bother reviewing or updating what we know of someone who has come ‘under fire’ because it’s assumed that their action is based on how they used to be.

            Abraham Lincoln summed it up beautifully when he said, “I don’t like the man, I need to get to know him better.”

            That bit can be fun and be the beginning of some beautiful friendships.

Five cardinal Rules For life

1)  Make peace with your past so that it won’t disturb your present.

2)  What other people think of you is none of your business.

3)  Time heals almost everything. Give it time.

4)  No one is in charge of your happiness. Except you.

5)  Don’t compare your life to others and don’t judge them,
     you have no idea what their journey is all about.

©Kim Stedman Thursday, 25 September 2014